Microneedling is an innovative approach for the treatment of acne scars, pores, fine lines, and overall skin texture. This revolutionary procedure has little down time and achieves wonderful results. It works by having an automated sterile applicator with 14 micro points create uniform micro-traumas to the skin. When the skin heals, it becomes smoother and tighter.
Addition of PRP
Patients can choose to have the procedure performed using their own platelet rich plasma (PRP). The first step to obtaining PRP is a quick blood draw in the office. The blood is then spun down in a centrifuge to isolate its most beneficial components. We like to call PRP “liquid gold” in reference to its yellowish color and nourishing properties! The use of blood is what has people calling this treatment a “vampire facial.”
PRP contains a number of proteins, immune mediators, growth factors and enzymes which produce more collagen, creating healthier appearing skin. The turnover of cells is also increased. Additionally, more blood flow and nutrients are brought to the skin because of some of these factors. We have found that the skin redness clears more quickly when PRP is included with microneedling.